The Division of Engineering oversees the development, design, construction management and inspection for all public works and capital improvement projects. Engineering also manages the permits for construction in the public right-of-way and reviews plans and specifications for all potential new or redevelopment projects.
Our Services
Report a Traffic Concern
Lamppost Lighting Program
General Bird Scooters Inquiry
Handicap Parking Space Signs
Residential Basement Valve Program
Engineering Forms & Permits
Consent to Annexation
For properties outside city limits wanting to connect to City Utilities
Erosion & Sediment Control Plan Application
For development of parcels where land disturbance is greater than or equal to one acre.
In-Lieu of Disconnect Commercial Property Application
Application for commercial properties who are unable to disconnect their downspouts from the Cityโs sanitary or combined sewer system
Right-of-Way Excavation Permit Request
Request authorization to excavate within the public right-of-way
Right-of-Way Long Term Occupancy Application
For activities that will require the long-term closure of the public right-of-way
Residential Backflow Valve Program
Report a Stormwater Concern
Residents can report any dumping or illicit discharges made near or into a storm drain, stream, ditch or lake within city limits.
Sewer Lateral Reimbursement Program
Assists property owners with the complete replacement or lining of a sewer lateral from the house to the Cityโs main sewer line. The program only applies to new residential infill construction.
Sewer Tap Permit Request
To be used for new taps into the sewer system.
Traffic Control and Occupancy Request
Traffic Concern Form
For any issues with traffic flow, signage, speeding, etc.
Trucking and Oversize Loads Permit
One-time permit for trucking of oversized loads within the city limits
Annual Trucking and Oversize Loads Permit
Annual permit for trucking oversized loads within the city limits
Utility Verification Form
For any new connections to the City utility system (water and sewer)
Schedule of Engineering Permit Fees
Permitting and Engineering Review Fees
Checks made payable to City of South Bend
Design & Construction Standards & Prevailing Specifications for Public Works
These approved Design & Construction Standards and the Prevailing & Supplemental Specifications must be followed for any construction activity in the city.
These standards and specifications have been prepared to establish consistent design elements and requirements for developers, contractors, utilities and other private parties as well as for providing guidance for work within or affecting the Cityโs right-of-way. The standards and specifications were approved by the Board of Public Works at the regular meeting on June 26, 2018.
Right-of-way Standards
Per Municipal Code โ Chapter 18, Article 7, no contractor or subcontractor shall perform any work affecting the right-of-way, any City-owned utility system, or any other work or occupancy in the City right-of-way, whether or not the work is performed for the City, without first obtaining a BOND with the Department of Public Works for occupancy, excavation or sidewalk/street construction before commencing any work. Contact the Permit Office at 574.235.9254 for the appropriate bond form.
Any use, restriction or excavation of the City Right-of-Way, such as streets, alleys and sidewalk areas, requires a permit by the bonded contractor. Permits are required prior to excavations, construction or occupancy that exceeds typical use in the Right-of-Way. Traffic control is required for any work that restricts, redirects or impedes travel in the Right-of-Way. Refer to MUTCD for traffic control guidelines and map examples to submit with your occupancy requests. Refer to the Municipal Code for right-of-way occupancy guidelines.
New Construction and System Development Charges
For any new construction connecting to the Cityโs Municipal Water and Sewer Works, System Development Charges (SDCs) will be collected at the time when an application for service is filed. The Utility Verification Form shall be completed and signed by the owner of the property. Refer to the Code of Ordinance for a full explanation of SDCs. For more information, contact the Permit Office at 574.235.9254.
Small Cell Standards
View the COSB Small Cell Standards for guidance on installing small cell wireless infrastructure on City owned infrastructure or within City right-of-way.