The City of South Bend, Indiana is committed to inclusiveness, fairness, and accessibility in all its programs, activities and services. South Bend adheres to equality in access as expressed by Title VI of theCivil Rights Act of 1964: No person in the United States shall on the basis of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, or be denied the benefit of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program, service or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
This Equality of opportunity also includes freedom from discrimination based on age, gender and disability.
If you believe you are a victim of discrimination in City programs, activities or services contact:
City of South Bend Department of Law
ADA/Title VI Coordinator
1200 County-City Building
227 W. Jefferson Blvd., Suite 12S
South Bend, IN 46601
(574) 235-9241
Title VI and General Non-Discrimination Policy for the City of South Bend, Indiana
Policy Statement
The City of South Bend, Indiana (South Bend) is committed to a policy of inclusiveness, fairness, and accessibility of its programs, activities and services to all persons in South Bend. As provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all related statutes, South Bend assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any City of South Bend program, activity or service. The City of South Bend further assures every effort will be made to ensure non-discrimination in all of its programs, activities and services, whether those programs, activities and services are federally funded or not. In the event the City of South Bend distributes Federal aid funds to another entity, the City of South Bend will include Title VI language in all written agreements.
Definition of Federal Finance Assistance and Recipients Affected
Federal financial assistance is defined as any Federal dollars that are assigned to the City of South Bend to support any program, activity or service by way of grant, loan or contract, other than a contract of insurance or guaranty.
Specific Forms of Discrimination Prohibited
City of South Bend efforts to prevent discrimination are, but are not limited to:
- The denial of services, financial aid, or other benefits provided under a program.
- Distinctions in the quality, quantity, or manner in which the benefit is provided.
- Segregation or separation of persons in any part of the program.
- Restriction in the enjoyment of any advantages, privileges, or other benefits provided to others.
- Different standards or requirements for participation.
- Methods of administration which directly or indirectly or through contractual relationships would defeat or impair the accomplishment of effective nondiscrimination.
- Discrimination in any activities or services related to a highway, infrastructure or facility built or repaired in whole or in part with Federal funds.
- Discrimination in any employment resulting from a program or services, the primary purpose of which is to provide employment.
Title VI Coordinator and Complaint Process
The Title VI Coordinator for South Bend shall be the same person as its ADA Coordinator who shall be a lawyer in the City of South Bend ‘s Department of Law. Title VI Complaints shall be processed in the same manner and under the same rules as those established for South Bend’s ADA compliance program.
Email |
574.235.7670 |
227 W Jefferson Blvd, Suite 1200S South Bend, IN 46601 |