VIBRANT PLACES is a matching grant program for qualifying exterior enhancements to commercial, mixed-use, & industrial buildings.
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Grant Amounts
Eligibility & Eligible Projects
Application Process
SUNPowered Grant Solar Installers
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Complete the pre-application to start the application process. You’ll hear from us within 2 weeks for next steps.
Through this project, the City of South Bend aims to…
ENHANCE the appearance, value, and character of properties.
ENCOURAGE investment by business and property owners.
GENERATE additional sales for qualifying businesses.
INVEST in sustainability and reduce climate pollution.
PROMOTE a walkable urban development pattern.
Jacob Alexander
Business Development Specialist
(574) 235-9278
Amy Paul
Business Development Manager
(574) 235-7638
Grant Amounts
Vibrant Places is a citywide program with increased incentives based on the location of your business and the elements of your project. You must complete the project and contribute your private match before grant funds are issued to you.
Actual grant amounts depend on the specific elements of a project and may not equal the maximum amounts.
Businesses located in one of the following corridors are eligible for an increased maximum:
- Lincoln Way West: between LaSalle Avenue and west city limits (near Maplewood Ave.)
- Indiana Avenue: between Pulaski Street and Main Street
- Linden Avenue: between Walnut Street and Olive Street
- Miami Street: between Lincoln Way East and Altgeld Street
- Michigan Street: between Bronson Street and Donmoyer Avenue
- Mishawaka Avenue: between Eddy Street and Logan Street
- Portage Avenue: between Diamond Avenue/Angela Boulevard and Kinyon Street
- Elwood Avenue from Portage Avenue to Wilber Street
- Western Avenue: between William Street and west city limits (near Mayflower Road)
Map of the corridors
Zoom in or adjust the map to view eligible corridors. You can also view the map in another window.
Note that businesses located in downtown South Bend may be referred to the DTSB Exterior Enhancement Grant Program administered by Downtown South Bend (DTSB).
Standard Grants
Grant Share (of total standard project(s) cost) | 50% |
Maximum Grant Amount: Corridors | $80,000 (50% of a $160,000+ project) |
Maximum Grant Amount: Citywide | $30,000 (50% of a $60,000 + project) |
Minimum Grant Amount | $1,500 (50% of a $3,000 project) |
Minimum Private Investment | $1,500 |
Sustainable Bonus Grants
Grant Share (of total standard project(s) cost) | 70% |
Maximum Grant Amount: Corridors* | $112,000 (70% of a $160,000+ project) |
Maximum Grant Amount: Citywide | $42,000 (70% of a $60,000 + project) |
Actual grant amounts depend on the specific elements of a project and may not equal the maximum amounts outlined above.
When the sustainability bonus is added to an eligible item, the grant share for that item can increase to 70 percent.
In addition to providing support for exterior improvements through the Standard Grant, the City of South Bend can provide funding for a project that includes environmentally friendly elements.
Projects that meet the criteria for advanced sustainability benefits are eligible for additional funding above and beyond the base funding of 50%.
$112,000 would be the maximum grants if all items in a project meet the advanced sustainability criteria.
See the specifications for sustainability bonus grant projects here.
SUNpowered (Solar) Bonus Grants
Grant Share: Corridors* | 25% |
Grant Share: Citywide | 15% |
Maximum Grant Amount: Corridors* | $30,000 (25% of a $120,000 + project) |
Maximum Grant Amount: Citywide | $20,000 (15% of a $133,333 + project) |
The grant amount will be calculated using the total cost for solar panels and battery backup (if applicable).
For both solar panels and battery storage systems, you are encouraged to claim the federal Investment Tax Credit. The federal Investment Tax Credit provides a non-refundable credit you can count towards your federal tax burden worth a percentage of the total installation cost of your battery system. You can file for the tax credit when you file your taxes for the year the panels and/or battery was installed. Due to the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, the tax credit is 30% for 2022 and will remain at 30% until 2033.
Please note that if you are in a certain subsection of the downtown area, due to the design of the downtown electrical grid, your system will not be allowed to export excess energy to the grid. Please see Appendix D for the geographic boundaries.
The grant is structured as a reimbursement program.
You must complete the project and contribute your private match before grant funds are issued to you.
Actual grant amounts depend on the specific elements of a project and may not equal the maximum amounts outlined above.
As a condition of receiving this solar incentive funding, you agree to share 12 months of utility data with the City before solar panel installation and after installation.
The Vibrant Places Matching Grant Program includes additional incentives for businesses to install solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery storage systems. Solar PV panels generate electricity without burning fossil fuels or contributing to climate change.
You may be eligible for these grants if:
- You’re a property owner or tenant with frontage on the street within City limits. (Improvements should be visible from the street, except for solar panels or green roof installations. A business does not need frontage on the street in order to apply for and to be eligible for the solar grant.)
- Business use must be present on the property or be established within six months of the final grant payment.
- Property taxes must be current.
- Property must not be listed for sale.
Eligible Projects
- Projects may be comprised of one eligible item or any combination of eligible items.
- This program is not intended to fund deferred maintenance.
Standard Grant
The following types of improvements are eligible for 50% matching grant funds on commercial and mixed-use buildings:
- Restoration of facade to original or comparable appearance
- Restoration of architectural features
- Green roof (extra materials required specifically for a green roof, excluding standard roof materials)
- Brick or masonry, including cleaning and tuckpointing
- Painting or other appropriate facade treatments of exterior surfaces
- Double-paned windows using clear glass
- New exterior doors
- Awnings and canopies (fabric or metal)
- Signs (building or monument)
- Murals and public art
- Decorative LED lighting (dark sky compliant) that highlights the front of the building
- Landscaping
- Decorative fencing (wrought iron or decorative aluminum with 4-foot maximum height)
- Curb and sidewalk improvements
- Bike racks and outdoor tables, chairs, benches, and areas for commercial purposes
- Outdoor sound systems
- Open storefronts and active rooftops that encourage interaction between the street and business
- Enhancements that activate the sidewalk such as outdoor dining areas, merchandise displays, or planters
- Barriers or railings that have permanence
- Architectural lighting which enhances the buildingโs facade, enhances the pedestrian environment, lights window display areas, and/or highlights architectural details
sustainability Grant
Projects that meet the criteria for advanced sustainability benefits are eligible for additional funding above and beyond the base funding of 50%.
When the sustainability bonus is added to an eligible standard item, the grant share for that item can increase to 70%.
- Energy Star-rated windows
- New energy efficient doors
- Pervious surface, permeable pavers
- Thirty (30) percent recycled-content material
- Xeriscaping (drought tolerant landscaping)
- Rain garden
- No-VOC Paint
SUNpowered (SOLAR) grant
- Any size or type of Solar PV installation (roof mounted, roof ballasted, ground mounted, canopy mounted, solar awnings)
- Installation may be battery-based (off-grid), grid-tied, or interconnected to the grid with a battery
NOT Eligible Projects
- Interior improvements or improvements to single-use residential buildings
- Improvements not visible from the street, except for solar panel or green roof installation
- Regular and deferred maintenance items
- Removal or enclosure of architecturally important features
- Roof replacement or repairs, except when serving as an architectural element
- HVAC systems
- Freestanding signs, except monument signs
- Parking lot paving
- Chain link and other non-decorative fencing
- Security systems, window or door bars, security gates, and driveway gates
- Demolition of structures
- Environmental consulting, hazardous material testing services, or abatement costs
- Improvements in progress or completed prior to grant approval
project Examples
Slideshow for VP Eligible Projects by Office of SustainabilityApplication Process
Please note there are a few differences in the process for receiving the SUNpowered Vibrant Places Grant for solar panels.
Standard and Sustainable Vibrant Places Grant
Click here to learn more
Click here to learn more
- Review the Vibrant Places Matching Grant Program Guidelines.
- Submit the matching grant pre-application form. City representatives will review the pre-application.
- Meet with City representatives and the program architect at the project site to discuss the proposed improvements. The program architect will assist you with design concepts. A City representative will then provide you with an application form.
- Using the design concepts, contact at least two (2) licensed contractors to obtain detailed written estimates for your project. You must call the Building Department at (574) 235-9554 to verify that your contractors are licensed. Estimates should be provided by local contractors when possible. At least two itemized estimates for an identical scope of work for each project component are required with the application. All labor, sales taxes, and permit fees should be included in the estimates. When appropriate, provide color and material samples with the application.
- Submit the application. Applications will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. A completed application must include the following:
- Completed application form;
- At least two (2) estimates from licensed contractors detailing scope of work with itemized prices including all labor, sales taxes, and permit fees; and
- Color and material samples for the work to be performed (when applicable).
- City representatives will review applications for completeness and scope of work and determine whether the project is eligible for a matching grant. Any grant award will be determined based on the cost of the lower of the two estimates.
- If your application is accepted and your project is eligible for a grant, you must sign the grant agreement. Grant payment will not be made if work begins prior to the grant agreement signing.
- Provide the City with a copy of any required building or sign permits prior to beginning the project.
- Complete your project as approved. Projects must be completed within 120 days of approval; extensions can be granted under special circumstances.
- Notify the City representative when your project is completed. Provide your grant payment request with proof of private investment, such as paid invoices or receipts. Payment will not be distributed until proof of your private investment is submitted and the project is completed as determined and approved by the City of South Bend. The grant check will be made payable to you. You are responsible for providing full payment to your contractor(s). Payment processing may take 2-4 weeks following final project acceptance.
SUNpowered Vibrant Places Grant
Click here to learn more
Click here to learn more
- Submit Vibrant Places Pre-Application Form & indicate your interest in going solar.
- City representatives will review the pre-application and if your business is eligible, the City will share the registration information for a Solar 101 information session.
- Register for and attend a 75-minute Solar 101 Session (virtual and in-person sessions will be held twice a month January through May).
- Share 12 months of utility data with the City and our program partner, Solar United Neighbors. SUN will analyze the solar potential of your property and create a feasibility study for a solar project on your property.
- Schedule a 60-minute meeting with SUN to review the feasibility report.
- Collect at least 2 quotes from vendors listed on the qualified solar installer registry.
- Submit the application. Applications will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, with a carve out of funding for businesses located in the corridors. A completed application must include the following:
- Completed application form;
- At least two (2) estimates from installers on the qualified solar installer registry and an indication of which installer you will select;
- If your application is accepted and your project is eligible for a grant, you must sign the grant agreement. Grant payment will not be made if work begins prior to the grant agreement signing.
- Complete your project as approved. Projects must be completed within 120 days of approval; extensions can be granted under special circumstances.
- Send utility data 12 months following project completion.
Process at a Glance
Additional Information
- All work on approved projects is subject to City building and zoning codes and must follow all permit and inspection procedures as outlined by the City of South Bend Building Department.
- Grantee is responsible for all project costs until the project is completed as approved and the grant payment is made.
- A maximum of one grant may be received per address per year.
- The City reserves the right to reject any and all applications up to the time of the grant agreement signing. The specific program guidelines detailed herein are subject to revision or amendment by the City of South Bend and the Vibrant Places Matching Grant Program partners. Subject to the availability of funding, this program may be discontinued at any time.
SUNPowered Grant
Vibrant Places includes matching grants for solar panels and battery storage systems!
Grants for solar panels and batteries are in addition to the standard grant and sustainability bonus available through Vibrant Places. A single business could be eligible for all three grants.
Why Go Solar?
- Energy Cost Control – A solution to ever varying and increasing energy costs
- Low Maintenance Renewable Energy – No required operations and maintenance spend
- Attractive Investment – Internal rate of return > 15% with federal incentives
- Power Your Company with Clean Energy – Solar panels generate electricity without burning fossil fuels or contributing to climate change
- Sustainable Source of Backup Power – With battery storage, you can prepare for energy interruptions without relying on a generator
How do I Apply for the SUNPowered Grant?
- Submit the pre-application for Vibrant Places and indicate your interest in a matching grant for solar.
- Attend a Solar 101 session.
- Submit your property’s utility bills for the City and its partners to use in creating a feasibility study for your property.
- Review the solar feasibility study and projected costs.
- Solicit quotes from the pre-qualified solar installers for SUNPowered Vibrant Places.
- Select the solar vendor and submit your full grant application to the City and receive for approval.
- Installer completes solar project installation and City confirms project completion.
- Receive reimbursement of 15-25% depending on if your business in located in a priority corridor.
You can find a more detailed step-by-step process for receiving a grant for solar in the Application Process section
Pre-Qualified Solar Installers
We have screened a number of solar installers to create a list of pre-qualified solar installers to complete SUNPowered Grant-funded solar projects.
Please contact the person listed below for each of the solar installers when soliciting a quote through the SUNPowered program:
See examples of SUNpowered Solar Grants in this slideshow.