About this grant
We’ve improved and expanded on the 2023 Business Security Grant and are reopening as the Sync South Bend Security Grant. This grant will sponsor new technology installations or upgrades for organizations across the city. You can apply for either up to $4,000 of funds toward eligible installations like cameras, security infrastructure, or lighting OR up to $2,900 for reimbursement of only a fususCORE. Applications accepted on a rolling basis.
Biggest changes from the 2023 Business Security Grant
Biggest changes from the 2023 Business Security Grant
- Expanded application eligibility –ย ย Businesses, non-profits, churches, and more can apply for this grant
- Rolling applications, apply all year long! –ย ย Applications will remain open until funds run out
- Site assessments are now included as part of the grant process –ย ย Everything from your quote, installation, and registry is now included in the grant process
- fususCORE only reimbursement track –ย ย A faster, shorter application for reimbursement for previous purchases of fususCOREs and subscriptions outside of the 2023 Business Security Grant
Grant qualifications and requirements
Grant qualifications and requirements
- Your organization must have a physical, commercial location within South Bend city limits
- Complete a site visit with our partnerย security vendor to assess security needs OR
- Confirmation of a purchase for a fususCORE for reimbursement
- Integration with the Real Time Crime Center
- Learn more about integration at syncsouthbend.org
- Integration with the Real Time Crime Center
Grant Process
Submit your application to be considered for the grant. This application will remain open all year or until funds run out.
View our application guide hereย for help or use our contact information.
Receive your award/rejection notice.
- If ineligible, applicant will be notified within a month of application submission
- If eligible, application enters rolling review period (reviewed on a roughly monthly basis or as needed)
- If selected, you will receive a City contract and information about next steps
We will email you and call you to inform you of your award selection. You will have 4 weeks to respond with a signed grant agreement or else you will need to reapply.
You may appeal a rejection notice in writing at syncSBsecuritygrant@southbendin.gov.
Our dedicated grant security vendor will call to schedule a required site assessment at your business.
If you are doing a fususCORE only reimbursement, skip to step 6.
Sign your quote from the security vendor and you will receive an invoice credit of up to $4,000 for qualifying equipment and installation.
The security vendor will install your equipment and fususCORE for Real Time Crime Center integration.
You will be required to attend at least 1 grantee support meeting with the grant team for offboarding and closing out your grant.
Grant contact information
Questions about this grant or anything else?
Email: syncSBsecuritygrant@southbendin.gov
Call: 574-235-5944