Black History Month Reception 2023
Charles Black Community Center 3419 W Washington St, South Bend, IN
Common Council Agenda:  Agenda Packets |  Archive Minutes: Archive
Redevelopment Commission Meeting occurs on the 4th Thursday of the Month unless it lands on a holiday; if that happens the meeting will occur on the Monday
Join the Outreach Team for help applying for the Utility Assistance Program and Energy Assistance Programs. Staff will be present to assist you with completing and submitting these applications. Please bring these documents to the event: Utility Assistance Program (UAP): Most recent water utility bill Income documents for everyone in the household If you’re a tenant
Join the Outreach Team for help applying for the Utility Assistance Program and Energy Assistance Programs. Staff will be present to assist you with completing and submitting these applications. Please bring these documents to the event: Utility Assistance Program (UAP): Most recent water utility bill Income documents for everyone in the household If you’re a tenant
This Meeting has been cancelled
Common Council Agenda:  Agenda Packets |  Archive Minutes: Archive
Redevelopment Commission Meeting occurs on the 4th Thursday of the Month unless it lands on a holiday; if that happens the meeting will occur on the Monday
Common Council Agenda:  Agenda Packets |  Archive Minutes: Archive
County-City Building
227 West Jefferson Blvd.
South Bend, Indiana 46601
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Dial 311
Phone: 574-233-0311
TTY: 574-235-5567