2023 Budget Hearing: Council Working Session #2
Council Chambers, 4th Floor, County-City Building 227 W Jefferson BLVD, 4th Floor, South Bend, IN, United StatesAttend the Budget Hearing online by joining this Teams meeting
Attend the Budget Hearing online by joining this Teams meeting
Attend the Budget Hearing online by joining this Teams meeting
1 Redevelopment Commission Agenda 9.22.22 http://tiny.cc/RDC https://southbendin.gov/board/redevelopment-commission/
Residents share the history of redlining in South Bend, recommend the policies which will be included in the Undesign exhibit, and solicit local stories to added to a piece of
Common Council Agenda:  Agenda Packets |  Archive Minutes: Archive
Attend the Budget Hearing online by joining this Teams meeting
Redevelopment Commission Meeting occurs on the 4th Thursday of the Month unless it lands on a holiday; if that happens the meeting will occur on the Monday
Topics that will be covered and open for public input at this CAG meeting: SBPD's existing Automated License Plate Reader Policy SBPD's draft Public Safety Video System Policy SBPD's draft
Attend the Budget Hearing online by joining this Teams meeting
Attend the Budget Hearing online by joining this Teams meeting
The Commission reviews applications for projects in local historic districts and local designated landmarks. More information about the Historic Preservation Commission can be found at www.southbendin.gov/hpc. Packets and agendas
Get assistance with applications for the Utility Assistance Program and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program/Household Water Assistance Program (LIHEAP/LIHWAP) Monday October 24th 5pm South Bend Kroc Center 900 W
Common Council Agenda:  Agenda Packets |  Archive Minutes: Archive
A partial Undesign the Redline exhibit and community discussion on the Financial Empowerment Blueprint Location: St. Joseph County Main Branch Library – 2nd Floor Art Gallery
Utility Assistance in South Bend Information sessions will be held Tuesday October 25th from 4-5pm and 6-7pm CUC Business Development Center 809 Lincolnway W. 46616 Across from the Charles Martin
Get assistance with applications for the Utility Assistance Program and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program/Household Water Assistance Program (LIHEAP/LIHWAP) Tuesday October 25th 809 Lincolnway W. South Bend, IN 46616