The State of Housing
First Annual South Bend Symposium: The State of Housing
October 27, 2022

In case you missed it:
View the PowerPoints and other relevant links below.
The Kinder Institute’s Housing South Bend study.
Power Points from the Housing Symposium:
Affordability and the Appraisal Gap
South Bend Population and Housing Trends
Continuing the Conversation
Join us for the City of South Bend’s Ideathon: Solve SB
SolveSB: Housing
SolveSB is a South Bend-specific ideathon, a collaborative event in which individuals from different specialties work together to solve an existing problem. Form a team and brainstorm solutions to a housing-related problem throughout January 2023. Key dates include:
- Thursday, January 12th, 4-6pm – Solve SB Kickoff
- Thursday, January 19th, 4-8pm – Work Session #1 (optional)
- Thursday, January 26th, 4-8pm – Work Session #2 (optional)
- Saturday, January 28th, 9am-12pm – Pitch Day Presentations

Building South Bend: A workshop on rebuilding our neighborhoods one sustainable step at a time
How to Build a “Pretty Good House”: Making Green Affordable
Explore a common-sense approach to building and retrofitting energy efficient and environmentally friendly homes with sustainable building expert Chris Briley, co-author of the new book Pretty Good House.
The fundamentals of neighborhood dealmaking: Farming, Finance, and Form
Join townmakers Monte Anderson and Bernice Radle as they discuss the fundamentals of finding your development farm, investing in the community, and taking the critical steps of working with banks, neighbors, contractors, and the ecosystem of support needed for successful project development.
January 21st @ 9am – 12:30pm
Center for Civic Innovation
1045 W. Washington St.
South Bend, IN 46601 USA