Applications for 2024 are Closed.
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The Energy Assistance & Solar Savings Initiative (EASSI) provides energy assessments, grants, and low-interest loans to community organizations to complete energy efficiency and solar projects.
Results From Years 1 and 2:
- 27 energy assessments conducted
- 9 solar projects (696 KW of installed solar capacity)
- Over 20 energy efficiency projects (HVAC, boilers, LEDs, weatherization, electrification)
- More than $1.9 million in combined pulbic and private investment in energy efficiency and solar
- ~$570,000 in matching grants for EASSI nonprofits
- ~$1.2 million in private investments
- Roughly for every $1 invested through EASSI grants, it has generated ~$2 in energy efficiency and solar investments
Program Information
Map of Current and Past EASSI Projects
I would recommend putting a brief description of the information shown on the map here.
Our Partners
KUDOS: This program is modeled after the Solar & Energy Efficiency Loan Program piloted by the City of Bloomington, IFF, and CDFI Friendly Bloomington in 2021. Thanks to our partner, Lauren Clemens, Assistant Director of Sustainability at the City of Bloomington, for advising the City of South Bend’s Office of Sustainability in launching this program.