Council Mission Statement: To make certain that our City Government is always responsive to the needs of our residents & that the betterment of South Bend is always our highest priority
Our Services
Common Council Member Information
Common Council Bill Petition Filing Deadlines
South Bend Schools & City of South Bend Open Application for Joint Advisory Committee
Find Your Councilmember
Recordings Legislation Press Releases Minutes
The Common Council meets on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month. To place an item on the Councilโs agenda, it must be filed in the Office of the City Clerk, Room 455, County-City Building by 12:00 noon on the Wednesday prior to the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
Upcoming Meeting Materials
Agenda Packets Notices Upcoming Bills
The Council is authorized by Indiana state law to act on two (2) types of legislation, namely: resolutions & ordinances.
- Resolutions are limited to matters relating to internal affairs or operations & are heard at one Council meeting.
- Ordinances address all matters which are of a general and permanent nature. Ordinances address topics in the South Bend Municipal Code; establish fees & charges; regulate conduct; establish penalties; and are required for the passage of budgets, the setting of salaries, and zoning changes.
For all groups and presenters who wish to be recognized at the Common Council Meetings please check in with the City Clerkโs Office beforehand.
Watch Council Meetings
Please view upcoming meetings at these available streaming locations:
Michiana Access TV YouTube
Michiana Access TV, an open forum, non-commercial, public access television outlet, will broadcast the bi-monthly meetings of South Bend Common Council. The meetings will air live and will be rebroadcast throughout the week. A calendar of programs can be found at Michiana Access TV is channel 99 on Comcast.
Resources & References
Bill Petition Filing Deadlines
Council Initiatives
Municipal Code
Common Council Information
Common Council Documents
Presentations & Public Materials
Standard Operating Procedures
South Bend Police Transparency Hub
Open Data Portal
The American Rescue Plan Act
Council Initiatives
Email |
574.235.9321 |
Common Council Members
Find Your Council Member
Councilmember Meeting Request Form
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