The City Clerk is the Clerk of the South Bend Common Council. The Clerk is elected by the voters of the entire City. The City Clerk's official functions are set forth in Chapter Thirty-Six (36) of the Indiana Code. The City Clerk, and as many staff members as he or she determines necessary, provides City Council staff support, attends all regular and special meetings of the Council; and is required to keep an accurate journal of all such proceedings.
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City of South Bend Municipal Code
Finding City of South Bend Ordinances and Resolutions
Alley Vacation Request
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Duties of the Office of the City Clerk:
- Maintains the official records of the City
- Required to maintain the City Seal and administer City oaths.
- Maintains custody, and controls filings, and storage of all legislation papers, minutes, and other written and recorded documents pertaining to the operation of the City government.
- Oversees the entire legislative process, from the introduction to final approval and publication.
- Prepares agendas and legal notices for all Council meetings.
- Document compliance of Tax Abatements, CF1s, Annexations, Alley Vacations, and City required reporting per the Municipal Code
- Schedules official City Council meetings and public hearings.
- Acts as a liaison with City Department Heads, Outside agencies, Other branches of government, and the general public on behalf of the City Council and works closely with the Council to supply combined constituent services.
- Responsible for the publication, updating, and distribution of the South Bend Code of Ordinances.
- Works in cooperation with the Office of the Mayor for live broadcasting through WNIT of City Council meetings.
- Processing of City Boards and Commissions.
- Administers the City of South Bend Amnesty Program.
- Has available upon request for public reference and distribution the following documents: Copies of all transcripts, legislation, certificates, meeting notices, Council minutes, and any other matters of public information.
- Marriage Officiant (Appointment Only), Notary
For all groups and presenters who wish to be recognized at the Common Council Meetings please check in with the City Clerk’s Office beforehand.
If you would like to share your concerns or have questions for your District Councilmember, please complete this form.
The City Clerk’s Office does NOT record or store the following:
- Birth Records and Death Records: For information regarding how to obtain these records, contact the St. Joseph County Health Department, Vital Records at 574.235.9750
- Marriage Records and Court Records: For information regarding how to obtain these records, contact the St. Joseph County Clerk’s Office at 574.235.9635
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574.235.9221 |

About the Clerk
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Meeting with City Clerk Request Form