With snow and cold temperatures predicted for this weekend’s forecast, the City of South Bend’s Department of Public Works would like to remind residents about the following:
Clearing of snow on sidewalks and around fire hydrants
Public sidewalks in front of homes and businesses must be shoveled within 24 hours after snowfall has ended. Shovel around fire hydrants on the property to keep them free of snow and ice. An easily accessible hydrant can save firefighters valuable time during a fire.
Freezing of water pipes
With bitterly cold temperatures forecasted for Sunday and Monday, water pipes can freeze and burst, causing flooding and damage to homes. Below are tips to protect water pipes from freezing:
– Keep heating systems on, even if leaving home for a period of time. Thermostats can be set at a lower temperature but should be kept above 50 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent freezing pipes.
– Open sink cabinets to help keep pipes warm when heat is set at a lower temperature.
– Allow faucets to drip. This can relieve
pressure in the pipe and prevent it from bursting if it
does freeze.
– Add insulation to pipes located in areas of the home that do not have good insulation.
Don’t crowd the plows
Motorists can help snow removal crews by giving plows extra space to work. Plows on snow trucks are wide, often crossing the centerline or shoulder of the road. Snowplow operators’ views are restricted – even though motorists may see them, operators may not see the motorists. Since snowplows travel below the speed limit, motorists should keep their distance, not tailgate nor attempt to pass the plow.
Be a good neighbor
Check on neighbors, specifically the elderly, to make sure they are okay and to see if they need assistance.