May 16, 2023 โ The City of South Bend announces the launch of its 2023 paving season. Now in the third year of its Rebuilding Our Streets Plan, the City plans to pave more than 80 streets during its first phase of paving. More than 30 streets are expected to be announced at a later date as part of the second phase of work. The City is bidding out paving work in multiple phases to ensure contractors have the capacity to complete it this season, which kicks off in May and typically lasts until early November.
As in past years, other streets in the city will see preventative maintenance measures such as crack sealing and microsurfacing throughout the season. Residents can follow the progress of paving work at
Crews will begin paving this week. Once crews begin work on a street, it will take approximately three to five days to complete paving. Streets must be milled and prepped prior to paving and will be closed during working hours (7 am โ 6 pm). Signage will be posted prior to the start of construction so residents and businesses are aware of the upcoming work.
Motorists should expect delays and possibly detours when a street is being paved. In construction zones, motorists are encouraged to slow down, use alternate routes and be mindful of workers.
The Rebuilding Our Streets Plan is a multi-year strategy to fix streets that have failed and to determine ways to maintain them in good condition over time. To date, the City has invested $26.9 million in street related work, which includes paving, reconstructing, brick spot repair, crack sealing and other maintenance activities. The plan, along with a list of streets to be addressed and their PASER scores, can be found at
The Cityโs 2023 paving list is included below:
Ameritech Drive & Cleveland Road intersection
27th Street from Pleasant Street to Mishawaka Avenue
27th Street from Mishawaka Avenue to Wall Street
32nd Street from Mishawaka Avenue to railroad tracks
33rd Street from Wall Street to Mishawaka Avenue
Birdsell Street from Orange Street to Linden Avenue
Bowman Street from Michigan to Main streets
Bruce Street from Kemble Avenue to Webster Street
Calvert Street from Miami Street to Mumford Court
Calvert Street from Brookfield to Olive streets
Colfax Avenue from Clemens Street to Mayflower Road
Corby Boulevard from Notre Dame Avenue to South Bend Avenue
Devonshire Drive from Chevy Chase to Winding Wood drives
Donald Street from High to Miami streets
Donald Street from Vernon Street to Twyckenham Drive
Dubail Street from Jackson to Magnolia streets
Dunham Street from Illinois to Sheridan streets
Dunham Street from Falcon to Wellington streets
Eastmont Drive from Riverside to Northlea drives
Edwards Street from Swygart to Walnut streets
Elmer Street from Frederickson Street to Lincoln Way West
Eunice Drive from Colfax to McKinley avenues
Ewing Avenue from Meade to Olive streets
Fairview Avenue from Michigan to Main streets
Fairview Avenue from Meade to Kaley streets
Farneman Avenue from Michigan to Carroll streets
Fisher Street from Kaley to Dunham streets
Fremont Street from Orange to Lawton streets
George Avenue from Sample Street to dead end
Grant Street from Orange Street to Linden Avenue
Harris Street from Western Avenue to Huron Street
Hartman Drive from Rosemary Lane to dead end
Hawkins Court from Danbury Drive to cul-de-sac
High Street from Altgeld to Victoria streets
Hill Street from Colfax Avenue to Jefferson Boulevard
Hillsdale Road from Caroline Street to Hilltop Drive
Huron Street from Dundee to Kentucky streets
Irvington Street from Prairie Avenue to Kaley Street
Jackson Street from Calvert Street to dead end
Jackson Road from Fellows to Miami streets
Jennings Street from Main Street to dead end
Kaley Street from Victoria Street to Prairie Avenue
Kemble Avenue from Prairie to Indiana avenues
Kerr Street from Chapin Street to dead end
Kettering Drive from Crestwood Boulevard to dead end
King Street from Kessler Street to dead end
Kosciuszko Street from Western Avenue to Ford Street
Lake Street from Ford to Dunham streets
Leer Street from Irvington Avenue to Twyckenham Drive
Locust Road from Prairie Ave (SR 23) to Assumption Drive
Magyar Court from Brookfield Street to alley
Maple Street from Thomas Street to Western Avenue
Marietta Street from Dubail to Dayton streets
Marquette Avenue from College to Huey streets
Meade Street from Western Avenue to Ford Street
Miami Street from Ireland Road to Calvert Street
Oakside Street from Michigan to Main streets
Pagin Street from Hine Street from Linden Avenue
Queen Street from Sherman to Portage avenues
Rainbow Drive from Southlea Drive to cul-de-sac
Reo Drive from Clemens Street to Mayflower Road
Riverside Drive from Joyce to Northview drive (parking lane only)
Roosevelt Street from Cushing Street to Sherman Avenue
Rosemary Lane from Edison Road to Charles Street
Rush Street from Pennsylvania Avenue to Broadway Street
St. Joseph Street from Donmoyer to Farneman Avenue
Sample Street from Sheridan Street to Bendix Drive
Sancome Avenue from LaPorte Avenue to Lincoln Way West
Scholum Street from Western Avenue to alley
Sheridan Street from Voorde Street to Lincoln Way West (parking lane only)
Smith Street from Huey to Olive streets
Southeast Drive from Irvington Avenue to Greenwood Drive
Southlea Drive from Lilac Road to Eastmont Drive
Springbrook Drive from Hillsdale Road to Woodmont Drive
Sterling Street from Rose Street to Cabot Drive
Sullivan Court from Erskine Manor Hill to cul-de-sac
Sunnyside Avenue from McKinley Avenue to Rockne Drive
Sutton Place from Hampshire Drive to cul-de-sac
Vassar Avenue from Diamond Avenue to Wilber Street
Vernerlee Lane from Kettering Drive to Rose Street
Vernon Street from Calvert Street to Donald Street
Victoria Street from Meade to Kaley streets
Warren Street from Western Avenue to Ford Street
Washington Street from Ironwood to Tuxedo drives
Wenger Street from Fellows to High street
Werwinski Street from Wilber to Brookfield streets
Westmoor Street from Goodland Avenue to Bendix Drive
York Road from Ireland Road to dead end