Home ยป Boards and Commissions ยป Redevelopment Commission
The Redevelopment Commission typically holds its regular meetings on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the Board of Public Works Conference Room, 13th floor, County-City Building or via the Teams link.
The Redevelopment Commission was established to address conditions associated with blight and the underutilization of land and/or barriers to development. The Commission operates within the city limits. They study areas of the city, identify problem areas and develop a strategic plan for eliminating blight and bringing about new development within those areas. A primary focus is on the expansion of tax base and the creation of new jobs within South Bend.
There are five voting members of the South Bend Redevelopment Commission. Three are appointed by the Mayor; two are appointed by the South Bend Common Council. In addition, one member of the South Bend Community School Corporation Board of School Trustees is appointed by the Mayor as a non-voting adviser to the Commission. The current Redevelopment Commissioners are:
574-235-5927 |
County-City Building
227 West Jefferson Blvd.
South Bend, Indiana 46601
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Phone: 574-233-0311
TTY: 574-235-5567