March 2, 2023 โ The City of South Bend Department of Public Works announces a paving project for Miami Street from Ireland Road to Calvert Street beginning on Monday, March 13.
Work will be completed in two phases:
- Phase One is the reconstruction of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) curb ramps at intersections. New curbs will also be reconstructed in select locations, primarily from Ireland Road to Donmoyer Avenue. Work is expected to be completed by mid-May, weather permitting.
- Phase Two is the paving of Miami Street from Ireland Road to Calvert Street. Paving is expected to start mid-May and is anticipated to be completed by the end of June, weather permitting.
Once it is reopened to full traffic, Miami Street from:
- Ireland Road to Donmoyer Avenue will be two travel lanes with a center turn lane.
- Donmoyer Avenue to Calvert Street will be two travel lanes with parking on both sides of the street.
Temporary lane restrictions will be in place throughout the entirety of the project. The project is expected to be completed by the end of June, weather permitting.
Miami Street was originally scheduled for resurfacing in 2022. Due to contractor capacity, the City was forced to push it to 2023. City crews performed a temporary patch last September on the worst sections of the street in this vicinity.